I think that those of us who know how to use a semicolon properly feel a bit smug about it. It's a fairly rare punctuation mark, so using it gives you a slight air of superiority, making you want to use it again and again. The only other person I know who ever uses a semicolon uses it way too much as well. (As do I.) I know this not because I see his writing often, but because we have discussed it more than once. It's like we're all members of a little club.
Definitely is also my most hated misspelling. On an old online journal I used to keep, I had a poll up for at least a year, asking how you spelled it. So many people chose definately. :( Other misspellings I hate: psych- anything (physch? Are you serious?), WHOA (IT'S NOT WOAH), ridiculous (rediculous). Also, people who say "WARY" instead of "WEARY." They are not even pronounced the same. What are you doing?
I say all this, but my secret shame is that I can't pronounce ANYTHING. I've spent much of my life reading and little of it talking, so I often say words, having never heard or spoken them aloud before. Then someone laughs at me. :( Today it was "inundated." But there are a million words like that for me that I've only read, and it has never occurred to me that I might be reading them wrong.
I seriously want to smack people for their use of definately. Also, I got a pile of credit claims through to process yesterday at work, all of them with "$X should of been $X, pls credit" and I wanted to reject them all purely on their use of "should of". I seriously contemplated doing it.
I have not seen psych-things spelled incorrectly much! I'm sure I would be aggravated by them if I did, though. Rediculous :| how frustrating. We Australians get into a lot of debates over how things are said because we have so much American and British media floating around. I can't type much else here before I say this because it's echoing in my head: I hate it when people drop the first R from "frustrating". Fustrating. "That's so fustrating!" THERE IS MORE THAN ONE R IN THERE, DAMNIT.
Definitely is also my most hated misspelling. On an old online journal I used to keep, I had a poll up for at least a year, asking how you spelled it. So many people chose definately. :( Other misspellings I hate: psych- anything (physch? Are you serious?), WHOA (IT'S NOT WOAH), ridiculous (rediculous). Also, people who say "WARY" instead of "WEARY." They are not even pronounced the same. What are you doing?
I say all this, but my secret shame is that I can't pronounce ANYTHING. I've spent much of my life reading and little of it talking, so I often say words, having never heard or spoken them aloud before. Then someone laughs at me. :( Today it was "inundated." But there are a million words like that for me that I've only read, and it has never occurred to me that I might be reading them wrong.
I have not seen psych-things spelled incorrectly much! I'm sure I would be aggravated by them if I did, though. Rediculous :| how frustrating. We Australians get into a lot of debates over how things are said because we have so much American and British media floating around. I can't type much else here before I say this because it's echoing in my head: I hate it when people drop the first R from "frustrating". Fustrating. "That's so fustrating!" THERE IS MORE THAN ONE R IN THERE, DAMNIT.
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