Dudes! Remember, if you are coming to any or all of FOTC Marathon this weekend, please let me know if there's any food you can't or won't eat. I will make some food, you are of course very welcome to bring snacks along if you wish (vegan please if you are bringing it for general consumption) but I will do my best to ensure there is food that everyone can eat.
If this is the first you've heard of it: we will be watching 'Flight Of The Conchords' season 1 from 2-6 pm this Saturday and season 2 from 2-6 Sunday, at my house. All friends are welcome to join us for all or part of it, but if you could let me know so I have an idea of numbers for food & drink prep, that'd be great. Same goes if you want any crash space.
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http://nanaya.dreamwidth.org/377692.html. Please comment there using OpenID.