That census meme.

Mar 15, 2011 01:17

1981 - not in the UK.

1991 - also not in the UK, but elsewhere.

2001 - sort of in the UK, but avoided completing census due to a combination of hiding from abusive ex, libertarian sentiments, the fact that the census came as a single household form for my entire block of flats, and general spoon shortage. Plz not to be reporting me, kthx.

2011 - I expect I shall be filling this one out! As a bisexual pagan, I probably ought to. As a homeowner on the electoral register, with a registered Oystercard and a public sector job, I think the state knows where to find me if it needs. So I'd rather ensure my borough got the appropriate funds.

I dunno, I just can't get worked up about the census. It's a thing, but not a remarkable one. Ticked off about Lockheed Martin, mind.

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