Neither of us is going away for the festive season this year, so we're intending to do something quietish at home. I don't 'celebrate' Xmas so it won't be tinsel and santas everywhere. Considering how nice last year's post-Xmas gathering was (power cut aside!), and how many kind offers I got of an Xmas dinner when I was on my own during the day, I thought it'd be nice to extend more invitations this year. So:
1. Anyone who'd like to join us for food and hanging-out on the 25th is very welcome; we have crash space to get round transport woes, just let us know.
2. Proper post-Xmas gathering when transport is working! Food and hot drinks and good cheer and all that stuff. The traditional day for such things is Boxing Day, which is what I had in mind, but I do wonder if the 27th might be preferable? Maybe people want to recuperate on Boxing Day! Give me your preferences, people! In the absence of other suggestions, we'll go with the 26th, but if you'd prefer the 27th, shout.
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