Bit of a strange week really, because I’ve actually been in a very good mood for all of it, even allowing for tiny blips. Got another nice massage from wacky hippy lady who likes to hug me every time; she’s sweet, and I think it’s helping my shoulder. Took advantage of Orange Wednesday to go see ‘Tamara Drewe’ and assess it for fidelity to Posey’s original; on the whole I was very pleased, although I did have a couple of mini-rages, mainly about the casting of Tamsin Grieg (more on this later, I think). Sadly, due to timing confusion, we ended up crossing paths with
sbp as we were leaving the early evening showing and he was arriving for the late one, but we did stop for a quick drink in the Gipsy Moth, and actually got a table for once, and some of the strawberry-pear cider, which is far nicer than it has any right to be. I got back in such an excellent mood that I did some actual proper tidying.
Thursday sucked balls, but I did discover that Fopp is now selling DVD collections of ‘Cybill’ for only £4 a season! Ah, happy nostalgia. Still waiting on a bargain ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ collection.
Friday, I found out a bit more about the possibility of applying for a new job in our department; don’t think I’m going to get it, but I managed to knock up an application late on Tuesday night in record time. I’m mostly hoping to get more interview experience, as I haven’t done one since I got this job. QNI on Friday was absolutely essential, as I found myself almost falling over my own feet with tiredness by late afternoon. I did discover the paintings of
William Crozier at a Mayfair gallery, however; since the paintings themselves were being sold for between £9,000 and £100,000, actually owning one wasn’t going to happen, and they had no prints, but I did get a beautiful colour catalogue for £10. Not something I’ve ever done before, gone into an art gallery and bought art (OK, it’s not original art, but I’m not that rich!), but I felt both happy and ridiculous after doing it. Have I become everything I despise? It’s an occasional concern, I admit. Fortunately, I watched ’30 Days Of Night’ for balance and distracted myself with eeeeeevil vampires instead. I may have to watch some even sillier films soon, as
voodoo_canape has lent me ‘Outlander’. That’s pretty damn silly. Mm, brain-fluff.
Weekend was good. Went to two parties on Saturday, one at
ajva &
stefanc's and one at Amazonia. Both were great, full of lovely people, food, garden stuff to peer at, random party games (Pass The Parcel was highly diverting) and general chilled niceness. We really need to get a fire holder for our garden, the one at Amazonia was great. And I’m always seeing bits of old wood in skips. Fire-poking, like proper hippies! Thank you to all our hosts for having us. I think my feet were a bit knackered by the time I got in (naughty but nice red wedges, bought solely to go with the new cherry print dress), but it was useful to know just how easy it is to get between ours and East London, even quite late at night. We also did loads of cleaning, making the filthy lounge & kitchen beautiful, and I came up with a good work idea which I’m going to submit as a written proposal, to try and rectify the few things which I’m finding excessively difficult. Plus, we have a bunch of things still growing in the garden which need to be consumed, including HOWGE cucumbers, kohlrabi, radishes, a few runner beans, several courgettes…it’s all good. Big stew tonight, I think. Felt very smug by Sunday bedtime.
Monday was a visit to the Green Man in Fitzrovia to spend time with a visiting
underskon, then off to the Barbican to eat at ‘Carnevale’, where we were met by the wonderful
darkfloweruk, who gave me AMAZING vegan chocolate and a STUNNING book called ‘The Vegan Boulangerie’, a collection of vegan recipes for traditional French treats of all kinds, from éclairs and pain au chocolat to macaroons. Yes, MACAROONS! How amazing is that? I really think a proper baking session is in order, to try out some of these delightful sweets. Oh yes. She is the queen, of that there is no doubt, and ‘Carnevale’ was as wonderful as ever. I will never get tired of their chocolate raspberry roulade.
On Tuesday, I was out showing a young work experience person around the mean streets of W2. There’s just so little work out there right now, even for people with Masters degrees, that we’re getting a lot more people asking to come and work for free for a bit just to get some experience. *sigh* Next month…anyway, it’s nice to have a fresh perspective on things and we did get some cute novelty things to look at, like fiberglass cow sculptures on a pub roof. Hands up who thinks this can be classed as an advertisement. It ended up being quite a long and tiring day, but I felt pretty pleased with my productivity. On the way home, Alex let me play ‘Alchemy’ on his phone and it’s ace! I have now found some new things he hasn’t yet made, like lichen and ectoplasm. I like this game so much it’s making me want a smartphone again :-(
Was thinking of going to the cinema again tonight, but was quite tired after going to two Eavs outlets looking for the red dress. It is nowhere and nobody knows if they're even going to get any more in. How stupid in that? Apparently they have loads of customers wanting it as well - hell, even the *staff* are lining up to buy it! Silliness abounds. Still, I have nice boots now. I was really quite keen to get home and Do Stuff, as I wanted to tidy and put up shelves. How sad is that? Didn't happen due to random extreme tiredness and stuff which might be the start of a cold - hope not. A. did put up some more door hooks though, so it wasn't a complete loss.
Today, I am still happy, but achy and looking forward to the weekend, in particular to a
weegoddess. Need to remind myself that if I am unfortunate enough to be in Belgravia, I should try to find 'Ottolenghi' and see if they have any delicious veggie food. Damn, their Guardian recipes are so tempting! On that note, did anyone see Tuesday's free G2 giveaway with a special on 'Student Food'? Is it a joke? Are 'Private Eye' actually behind it? Is it some kind of elaborate satire/performance art? Seriously people, WTF is going on here? The Graun can't be *that* lacking in self-awareness...can it??
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