Hurrah! The year is over, so now I can post this. Last year's is
The 2009 Meme
[1.] What did you do in 2008 that you have never done before?
- started an MA (I have 2 other post-grad qualifications, but neither is at Masters level). Went to an ATP. Became a branch officer for my union.....aaaand proceeded to do absolutely fuck-all about it.
[2.]Did anyone close to you give birth?
- one of my work colleagues had her first baby. Some close friends are now pregnant, so maybe 2010 will be a bumper baby crop.
[3.]Did anyone close to you die?
- I don't think so, although the Xmas panic might me think my grandfather (my last remaining grandparent) might just snuff it.
[4.] Did you keep all of last years resolutions?
- I didn't make any.
[5.] Have you any resolutions for next year?
- not exactly. I'd like to try and be better at managing my living space and organising myself, though, so I'm in less of a state when I can't find things and I can work and rest better, which may help my health. I do want to start swimming again when I have the time. I resolve every other week to be more social, and fail, so I think I have to recognise that the spirit is willing while the flesh is both weak and very short of time.
[6.] What countries did you visit?
- none. As ever, my non-flying resolution (*sob*) means I will only travel to countries I can access in other ways, but sadly our plans for cross-European rail journeys were limited. I may have to travel abroad in 2010 as part of my course, though.
[7.] What would you like to have in 2009 that you didn't have in 2008?
- hmm, I don't know. Some sort of sensible career plan? I do want a greenhouse though.
[8.] What date in 2008 will remain etched in your memory?
- I'm drawing a complete...blank. I'm really bad at this kind of thing! I'll remember ATP, but I've already forgotten the dates. Ditto I, Camp. All the parties were fun, especially the madness of the housewarming in January - I think it was on the 10th, continuing well into the 11th? Something like that.
[9.] What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- not going nuts with stress? I got pretty good stats at works, and reduced my sickness absence. Honestly, I haven't really achieved much in the way of big things this year, although working with
alextiefling on LGBT History Month stuff was loads of fun.
[10.] What was your biggest failure?
- the garden. Growing stuff has been an almighty fail, on the whole.
[11.] Did you suffer any illness or injury?
- more of the same low-level stuff, though my sickness record was much better than last year. The joint/leg/foot pains have got much worse though. Sudden reappearance of ADHD stuff was annoying. Currently waiting on specialist referrals for both of those.
[12.] What was the best thing you bought?
- The bar! OK, it's a desk, but it's also a bar! The bread maker has been pretty useful as well.
[13.] Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
- Obama, kinda. The neighbourhood cats (one killed and tore apart a pigeon in our front yard yesterday). As of right now, the US State Department for
so blatently fucking-up the evidence collection for the Blackwater trial - rageragerage. Not surprised the Iraqis are
so pissed off. Does say something about the usefulness of our more discretionary system, though, s.78 and all that.
[14.] Where did most of your money go?
- mortgage, food, stuff for the garden. It might look like a mess, but we've really spent quite a lot on it.
[15.] What did you get really really really excited about?
- ATP. I, Camp. Saf. New booze. I also often got excited about
alextiefling, as ever, and
plumsbitch as well when we could spend time together. Bees. Frogs. Queer history. Our very own bar.
[16.] What songs will always remind you of 2008?
- see my previous post about songs. I will make a post v soon about albums, when I am not distracted by essay reading list.
[17.] Compared to this time last year are you:
[A] Fatter or thinner?
- fatter, unfortunately. It's probably getting to the point where I need to do Something about it.
[B] Happier or sadder?
- despite everything, I think I'm happier.
C] Richer or poorer?
- marginally richer due to trying to replenish the depleted savings, but I do need to keep doing more of this. I need to sort out my finances generally - having c.£200 stolen from my bank account was not fun, and I haven't got it back yet!
[18.] What do you wish you'd done more of?
- read more books which weren't about planning. I've read terribly little this year. Been to see more live music. Been out dancing more. Watched more films. Hung out with more people.
[19.] What do you wish you'd done less of?
- as in 2007, “eating junk food. Missing events due to illness. Zonking out in the evenings”. Also: staring at walls/internet in a blind panic instead of working.
[20.] How will you be spending Christmas?
- on my own, watching Mitchell & Webb. I think this was all covered quite well in my recent updates.
[21.] Which LJ users did you meet for the first time?
All the I, Camp people except
libellum, &
fjm (although she thinks we met before, but it has fallen out of my brane),
robert_jones. Did I miss anyone?
[22.] Did you fall in love in 2008?
- nope. Remained in love, which is fine by me.
[23.] How many one night stands?
- none.
[24] What was your favourite TV show?
- didn't watch much telly. I wanted to watch '30 Rock' but the library copy was scratched, boooo. Finally, belatedly, got round to watching the first series of 'Ashes To Ashes', and got very annoying and picky about the bad history bits. Yeah, it's not as good as LOM, but it was distracting. Have been cheered up by 'Peepshow's return to form of late, though, big improvement from Season 3 low point. Re-watched 'Boys From The Blackstuff' and other Bleasdale things.
[25.] Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
- not that I can think of now. I tend more to hate patterns of behaviour than the people who engage in them, although they're obviously connected. And I already knew I hated most of those patterns long before this year.
[26.] What was/were the best books you read?
M. John Harrison's 'Anima' was given to me for my birthday by
boyofbadgers and I'm loving it. It's two novellas, but I have only finished the first, “The Course Of The Heart”, which is mysterious, somewhat inexplicable and contains fragments of a brilliant book-within-the-book about a fascinating alternative history & spiritual truth of Middle Europe. The main story is mostly about how magic ruins lives, kinda. Also really enjoyed David Sedaris' 'When You Are Engulfed In Flames', which frequently caused me to frighten fellow travellers with my howls of laughter.
I've not been doing much reading for fun, but one of the most fun books I've read for not-fun has been 'The Situationist City', which is about, yes, situationist constructions of the city. It's fab. My lecturer also lent me a book about Ralph Rumney, v interesting. If anyone wants to talk to me about situationism or psychogeography, I'm very game.
[27.] What was your greatest musical discovery?
- The Black Ghosts! Oh yeah. All thanks to
missyk8. They're wonderful. I have been recomemmending them all over the shop. Wish they'd update
their website more, and do some more live performances.
- Telepathe - much blathering to follow.
- Giardini Di Miro - an Italian post-rock band who seem to have absorbed quite a few influences from the rather vibrant art-rock end of the Italian goth scene, plus some 'Faith'-era Cure meanderings. Picked up 2007 album 'Dividing Opinions' from Oxfam and was very impressed by the great variety of styles and ideas it contained. Will keep an eye on them, I think. They've toured with Godspeed You! Black Emperor -
blahflowers, one for you?
- the solo work of Matt Elliot, previously of Third Eye Foundation - his website
here is pretty sporadic, but I'm rather excited that he and Yann Tiersen (another musical discovery of this year) have both appeared on a Coil tribute album, which sounds AWESOME.
missyk8, any interest there?
- Had the very interesting discovery that I actually liked an Interpol album (again, thank you library). I'd always regarded Interpol as one of those annoying bands people think I'm supposed to like and don't, because of their rather workaday approach to the Srs Bsns of making Srs Musics. 'Our Love To Admire', however, turned out to be rather exciting, so there you go. I wouldn't describe myself as a fan, but hey, I challenged my own prejudice and that's good, right?
[28.] What did you want and get?
- err, my health was slightly better. Also got to work from home more, which was ace. Partner cuddles.
[29.] What did you want and not get?
- more time. Fabulous health & energy levels. Ability to absorb knowledge from books by touching them. More time with partners.
[30.] What was your favourite film this year?
- 'Let The Right One In'. 'Nuff said. 'Antichrist' was also pretty good. 'Dead Snow' was enjoyably silly.
[31.] What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
- 33! Went to Saf with lovely friends, had ridiculously expensive meal and cocktails made of pure distilled win. It was great. Am now looking forward to 33 & 1/3 birthday party in Feb, with VINYL! See
here for more on that.
[32.] What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
- health, health, health. Also, more free time.
[33.] How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
- laughable. In black. Lots of stripes.
[34.] What kept you sane?
............I'm sane?
[35.] Which celebrity did you fancy the most?
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. I love you, Charlie.
[36.] Which political issue stirred you the most?
- same-sex marriage, I think, and general human rights issues all round.
[37.] Who did you miss?
- not my dad.
plumsbitch. All my friends, really.
[38.] Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year?
- I am actually pretty bad at learning things. Kinda knew that already though.
[39.] Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
- this is hard. Maybe I'll come back to it later.
[40.] Did you enjoy this year?
- on the whole, yes. It's been a good year despite feeling tired for most of it. I have love and comfort and entertainment, what more does one need?
So, um, wot is up with all my GLOOM? I am perpetually gloomy, more than usual even. Yes, I know I'm a great big goth, but I'm usually a moderately upbeat one. Also, it is not fun gloom. Some gloom is enjoyably wallowing. This is dull gloom. Boo to it.