Aug 25, 2009 01:14
Today i totally stumbled across what brought about me being a total freak about cleaning my car every other week and flipping out about little dents and scratches and why i find it necessary to count each and every flaw on my paint multiple times a week(1new as of yesterday BTW rear passenger side door). The blame falls flat on the shoulders of HotWheels, and those stupid little boy equivalent of a doll house things. The ones where u drive your cars around town, and there were ramps and corners where u let go of the car and gravity takes over and whips it around the corners, there was a carwash with real water. I would clean those cars and then dry them and then play games with my bro and sis(where we went to work in our cars) and there were "sunday" cars and the "project" cars. The 'sunday' cars were mine that i cleaned and looked over for scratches and alignment problems(a bend in the piece of metal that went from tire to tire) after every time we played. The 'project' cars were the cool ones that i traded from my bro or were my old ones that had lived thru a demolition derby or two. Project cars were allowed to be smashed against each other and mistreated. And this is why i feel the need to have a second car. Ummm i lost my train of thought but i dont wanna re-read what i just wrote. So hotwheels rule!!!!! bbl