Muse Name: Dawn Summers
Muse LJ:
beenchosenFandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Age & Location: 17, Sunnydale (changes with timeline/verses)
Occupation: High School Student, Slayer
Relationship status: Single
Family: Joyce Summers (mother, deceased), Hank Summers (father), Buffy Summers (sister)
Interests/Hobbies: dancing, boys, music, hanging with the scoobies, slaying, shopping
Favourite food: Milkshakes
Favourite movie: Twilight
Favourite accomplishment: Being chosen
Describe yourself in one paragraph: I'm Dawn. I'm Buffy's sister. I'm also a slayer. But I'm a pretty typical teenager. Honest. I like boys and shopping. There really isn't much else to tell.
Any OOC notes: This Dawn is au from the point of Potential. She'll literally play with anyone.
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