Muse Name: Alison Barrington
Muse LJ:
marriedanangelFandom: Port Charles
Age & Location: 26, Port Charles
Occupation: owns a gym with Rafe
Relationship status: Married
Family: Elizabeth Barrington (mother), Malcolm Barrington (father, deceased), Amanda Barrington (grandmother), Rebecca Smith-Barrington (great-great-great grandmother, deceased), Derek Barrington (uncle), Mike Webber (cousin)
Interests/Hobbies: being with Rafe, spending time with Jack & Jamal, baking
Favourite food: Muffins
Favourite movie: City Of Angels
Favourite accomplishment: helping Rafe get his memory back
Describe yourself in one paragraph: I come from a rather rich family. Though I'm not a spoiled brat. Well not anymore. I have great friends and a great husband. Oh and the town is currently over run with vampires but we manage.
Any OOC notes: Alison's a very friendly muse. She'll friend anyone. Really she will. She's also pretty ok with the supernatural world. Hell she's married to a former angel and her former best friend is a vampire. So yeah all muses are welcome.
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