Introduction for Allison Cameron

Sep 01, 2009 07:18

Muse Name: Allison Cameron
Muse LJ: prettybookish
Fandom: House, M.D (First 2 seasons, possibly bits and pieces of season 3)

Age & Location: 28. Princeton, New Jersey
Occupation: Physician
Relationship status: Unattatched
Family: None mentioned so far
Interests/Hobbies: Anything, really. I'll try new things, meet new people. Whatever I enjoy, I enjoy.
Favourite food: I've grown quite fond of Chinese recently.
Favourite movie: I don't necessarily have a favorite. There are some movies I like, others I love -some I dislike, a few I hate.
Favourite accomplishment: Getting to where I currently am. I worked very hard to get here, and I can honestly say that being where I am is my favorite accomplishment.
Describe yourself in one paragraph: Hi. I'm Dr. Allison Cameron. Physician. Let's start with why I became a doctor; I want to help people -and that's exactly what I do. I admit, I can be a bit over-caring at times. I find myself becoming too involved with patients when they're dying, but... I can't really help that. If others have learned to except these vices of me well, then good for me. It's who I am, it's what I do.
Not exactly a whole paragraph, but I'm still willing to tell others about me.

- Reply to me HERE @ my LiveJournal

[fandom] house md

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