Muse Name: Quinnleigh Kincaid
Muse LJ:
broadsword_babeFandom: Highlander/Immortals
Age & Location: 2,000± 30-ish & NYC
Occupation: Antiquities Appraisal (specifically Medieval weapons & armour)
Relationship status: Currently living with
iris_angelFamily: None
Interests/Hobbies: Cooking, sparring
Favourite food: Anything that didn't come out of a box or can.
Favourite movie: Braveheart
Favourite accomplishment: Surviving
Describe yourself in one paragraph: Right. I always hate writing these things. Suppose th'most folks need t'know about me is that I'm a warrior. I have been for most of m'life. Now, that bein' said, I'm older'n I look. Just don't go about askin' unless yer ready t'hear th'truth of it.
Any OOC notes: Quinn's not exactly a very trusting sort. Comes with the territory of people always coming after her head. She's not active in The Game, but that still doesn't stop Headhunters from showing up. So, yeah, it takes her a bit to warm up to people, but don't let that stop you.
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