(no subject)

Feb 18, 2009 02:44

Muse Name: Ophelia
Muse LJ: rosemarymemory
Fandom: Shakespeare-based, but modernish.

Age & Location: 16; California
Occupation: None. 
Relationship status: Rather unattached, right now at least.
Family: My father and older brother
Interests/Hobbies: Flowers, music, art, reading, dressing up, attending the theatre, laughing, lakes and rivers
Favourite food: Cake!
Favourite movie: Chocolat, or... Once, maybe.
Favourite accomplishment: I am not sure...
Describe yourself in one paragraph: I suppose I am quite sheltered.  My father has been responsible for much of my upbringing, and he is very careful with me.  He says I am quite pretty, though I do not want to be conceited. I am a bit of a romantic at heart, and very much a girl's girl... I love to sing and to play outside, and to read... I have been told I can be a bit odd, though.  I am not sure why people think this.  *giggles*

Any OOC notes: As it said in the fandom notes, she's Shakespeare-based.  Kind of loosely.  She's meant to be a modern representation of the Ophelia character from Hamlet, although she has no Hamlet specifically.  She is hella innocent, for the most part, and things like sarcasm tend to go over her head, but she's quite curious, so she'll strike up a conversation with most anyone.  She does have a touch of madness, though, but in an almost completely harmless way.  She loves to make friends, and could use some girls her own age to talk to in particular!

- Reply to me @ my LiveJournal: rosemarymemory

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