Muse Name: Sam Winchester
Muse LJ:
rebelhunterFandom: Supernatural.
Age & Location: 26, USA.
Occupation: Hunter. Jack of all trades.
Relationship status: Single.
Family: Brother Dean. Parents are dead.
Interests/Hobbies: This is the hard part. Law, technology, history, myths, mysteries, reading, drawing, and anything fun.
Favourite food: Burgers, ice-cream, fries, it depends what I want at the time.
Favourite movie: I can’t list all of them. I like comedy and action.
Favourite accomplishment: There’s a lot I want to put here but finishing the job my dad set out to do is high up on the list.
Describe yourself in one paragraph: I’m 26 years old, fairly determined. I’m one of those that never give up on something I believe in and like to think there’s always a good side. I’m optimistic and fairly laid back but can get stressed and angry quick if pushed. Since I can remember I’ve moved around a lot as a kid. My brother took care of me while my dad was away and growing up I tried hard in studies wanting to eventually do something in law. I’m logical, rational and sometimes shy. Anything else you want to know, ask away.
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