Jul 01, 2006 17:19
Guess "The Beginning of the End" isn't really that- the start of something is really "The Beginning of the End" I would say. My rope's been getting shorter and shorter since I started at this company. Don't know how many times I've come close to up and quitting. Now that it's been decided on awhile back, it's easier for me to cope with issues when they arise.
Today is a good example. My favorite dickhead 菊地 launched into me out of nowhere today. 田村said later that he thought I was going to blow up. But I didn't. I think I might've puffed up momentarily, but I had a grin back on my face relatively quickly, actually. I just thought about the fact that I had decided to be done with this company and that gave me the latitude to let it slide. Given the no monay situation, it'll be quite some time 'fore I'm able to actually make it happen. However dim it may be, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it's not a train.
So... I should be ticked. Well, I am. But I'm not out of my mind with it. Pretty calm, considering. My big worry is finding a job back in the States. What to do?
What to do???