Mar 06, 2007 20:29
Went around looking at some of the posters today (so I called it the 0th day, as inspired by thermodynamics and since SSEF technically starts tomorrow anyway) after setting up mine and yzq/bensing/yongzi's; was pretty late by then so most of the posters were up anyway. Came across a couple of interesting (read: probably doomed to fail) projects as usual...
One was on investigating how music affects driving. Like, how are you going to quantify how music affects something like driving? Will playing Right Here Waiting influence you to turn right, or shift the gear into reverse when Backstreet Boys is playing? Maybe the Low Sonata will get you into an accident.
Another was on the cartography of HCI (yet again). This time (instead of the finding the shortest distance between 2 points in the school) it was on which classroom is the best, according to a point system given with regard to proximity to places such as the canteen and the science labs. Only thing I remembered about it was that they concluded that the best classrooms were in the tower block (quite duh, since its more or less in the middle of the school compound), and the best classroom was T102, which I think is 4N'05? :P Hehe.
Of course, there is always a project on biofuels/biodiesel from the high school section, so no surprise there. Though their poster looked kinda slacky. Most posters this year in fact were quite nicely done; didn't see many cases of poster malfunctions - posters made by pasting white A4 paper onto coloured boards wholesale.
And for once, there isn't a project on shuttlecocks (and the like)! Or at least I haven't seen them yet. Past 2 years have seen shuttlecock projects win gold, so there's still hope for projects in the "doomed to fail" category. Shuttlecock projects are projects that set out to re-establish fact, like, show experimentally that the optimum angle needed for the shuttlecock [edit: an item that is light, has feathers, is hit by a straight surface of a badminton racket, and is not going to be hit by a twisting swing as in golf or be subject to spins] to fly the furthest is 45 degrees. I think this should be common sense; it doesn't require someone to take physics or trash alvin voon 15-2 in badminton to figure that out. So its probably just an excuse to flaunt one's engineering skills in building a prototype that can shoot shuttlecocks at varying angles, and making a fuss when you are not allowed to demonstrate your prototype to impress judges.
So happens that its supposedly games day during CT session tomorrow. Of all days. Have fun >_>.