It's a world gone mad

May 24, 2010 00:04

The "Lost" season finale is currently the main story on the New York Times.
America's newspaper of record.
Thinks the most important news in the world.
Is the end of a particular piece of scripted insanity, which will be replaced with more scripted insanity.

Yes, yes, I know, it's not like the newspapers are off trying to start the Spanish American War again... but still. Lost. Front page news. Really?

I guess nothing happened this weekend.

The BBC thinks that S Korea freezing trade with North Korea and a US-China summit in Beijin are more newsy than Lost. WSJ agrees with them, despite how Rupert Murdoch was supposed to ruin reporting.
CSMonitor wants to tell us about Rand Paul and the "Tea Party" (ever noticed how the Republican Party is not ever referred to as a party? They're the Republicans. I am looking forward to the same labelling standard resulting in the new guys getting labelled the Tease.)
CNN thinks we should hear about Louisiana wanting federal action.

I've promised myself I would quit reading the NY Times at least twice now, but always came back under the "I should know what everyone else is thinking" argument, plus their stories display really well on my phone and they're conveniently in Opera Mini's default bookmarks after my phone turns into a monster and eats all its Java settings once a week. But I think I'm done with the excuses now. Lost is not headline news, and America's newspaper of record is no longer worth bothering with.
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