Dec 26, 2012 01:25
i met a midwstern boy recently. and hes so much like me its scary... but in that fun new and exciting way. lol well long story short.. he wound up on the bus headed home and hes gone missing. j.j.j. this is for you
=the sun is shining=
by chance do we meet. a stranger with a thumb to the street...
weary feet to carry you no more. your legs boy are they sore. your friends all bleary and weak, for they too have walked long and far to be where you are.
=the sun is shining =
lucky stranger, a man in a jeep. kind of soul and big of heart. there do we meet. right at the start. a ride just a mile away there we talk and drift a part. both to make ready their beds for the evening.
=the sun is setting=
on idle whim and a twist of fate. i beg of you come sit by my fire and have a plate.there by chance a conversation is struck and a chord resonates to a timeless age.both young of heart and wisdom beyond their years... laughter and merriment fall upon the oceans ears. drifting into the night.
=the sun has set the moon risen=
it grows late and the fire grows dim. but neither wants to part from the other "him". so an invite is made and together they laid.panting and heaving,sweat upon their bodies, neither knowing where the other ended and they began. conversations of sweet nothings upon their lips.
sleep of the deepest sweetest kind comes swiftly over the pair.
=the moon is setting and the sun is rising once again=
a day they spend at times wordless. both of like mind. sensing the end is near, furtive glances are shared. knowing the days end would soon be bared. savoring each moment, each coming and fading like the moonlight waves and the silent islands framed their minds.
=the sun has set once again=
the pair now one again their faces etched in the others. like the many stones of the beach they shared. conversation is slim and small but sweetness shared. oh for a lack of a plug in the wall! both fall in to an uneasy slumber..
=the sun has risen again=
both carry on about their lives. and suddenly a charge and the conversation is lively again. laughter and joy. they day speeds on. like the wheels of a bus.
=night has barely fallen=
on into the night they pair now chat. suddenly just like that. one is gone.. and the world stops.
=days pass in silent rain=
the world weeps silently with one of the pair. a sense of something amiss. their bliss cut short. and save for a day of thanks, days of sun have come and gone. the rain has all but shown itself to be their tears.
i miss you.