Happy Birthday 2 u, happy birthday 2 u, happy birthday dear Sweetnut, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 U! :)
Papercutshadow, I hope you will have an amazing birthday! :) I really hope that your day will be perfect and that you can share this day with your family, friends and beloved ones :) *Huggles* I ♥ you! (:
And what more can I say.. hmm.. I don't know... I'm kinda weird today, but anyways, I have been in the city with Anne-lii today, and it was really really nice (:
We met her daughter Mikaela, her wife and their kid :) And later, we went to the bank so that one of her sons, Kristopher could get some money :P
And now, I think I'm gonna go and play a computer game with my brother..
C ya...