Apr 10, 2005 13:12
I got my Booker T rejection letter yesterday. I wasn't expecting to get in, but I was still really sad about it. I ended up going to gaming night at Justin's, it was pretty boring through most of it, but luckily enough Brandon brought some of his man-whores. xD I swear, that guy is a pimp. @_@ lol Anyway towards the end it was fun enough, Mel and I talked to some guy named Javier for a bit. It was kinda funny. -_-; Too lazy to elaborate though. =P I wanted to give him my number, but if my grandmother answered the phone I would receive the royal inquisition and lecture of 'who? why? do you know him at all, giving phone nu,bers is bad, etc' so I ended up just giving him my email. >_o Oh well. @_@
Mmk baibai. =3