Title: The Man In Charge
1407graymalkin Rating: PG-13 just in case.
Pairing: Jason/Lyla/Tim and Possible Landry/Tim (But you'll have to squint. And imagine Landry looking at Tim like he did last night at the concert)
Spoilers: Spoilers for Nevermind/Episode 1.11
Summary: Meet the man in charge of Cheerbaby.
Author's Note: More from the Cheerbaby epic. Thank you
riggins_girl for the super fantabulous beta.
rachel_wilder this is for you and your damn Landry/Tim fic challenge. I'm sure this isn't what you meant. See if you can spot the character references.
Tim's cellphone rings as he watches Jason wheel out of his office.
"Tim. Landry. How's the filming going?"
Tim suddenly remembers who's to blame for all this.
"Landry Clarke."
"Uh oh! That's the scary voice." Landry's come a long way from the kid screaming into a microphone at an empty bar. He's head of development now at MTV. The kid who made Matt Saracen buy a Member's Only jacket is the pulse of American pop culture.
"What the hell was I thinking, letting you talk me into this reality show!"
"Hey, hey. Crucifictorious has never done wrong. It is a Hit. Making. Machine!"
"Ya know Landry. Naming your production company after a failed Metal Speed Band--"
"CHRISTIAN Metal Speed Band."
"Whatever Landry. The show is terrible."
"Yeah, why?" Landry's no longer the geek he was. He's a ruthless New York man.
Tim falters. "Well they're ignoring Jay."
"Look, Timmy. Jason Street might be a big name in Dillon, Texas, but the rest of the world, they just don't care. They want Tim Riggins of the Dallas Cowboys. Not his crippled boyfriend."
"That was low, Landry."
"I'm just telling it like it is. Always telling it like it is."
"Yeah, well, I'm going to tell it like it is too. Lizzie's not happy with her show, and it's just not going to fly."
That gets Landry's attention.
"Well that just won't do. That just won't do." he hangs up without another word, leaving Tim even more confused than he was before the call.
Landry shows up the next morning, all sunglasses and tailored suits.
"Miss Eliza!" he calls out the second he sets foot in the ranch. "What is this I hear about you not liking your own show?"
It really is too damn early for a dose of Landry Clarke. Jason's in just his sweats holding a cup of coffee. Lyla's all wrapped up in a bathrobe, on the phone will Tami Taylor planning some big how'd you do for someone or other.
And Tim's dripping wet, fresh out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist.
Only Lizzie is dressed. All done up and ready to go off to hear Preacher Williams do what he does best.
"Damn right I don't like my show. They're cutting out one of my dads. Is this show about me, or is it about him?" she jerks a thumb in Tim's direction, as a droplet of water slips down Tim's chest and hits the floor.
"You better clean that up." Lyla threatens, not once stopping her conversation with Mrs. Taylor.
Landry smiles at her, wide and vaguely devilish. "It's about you Eliza. All about you. And your wonderful quirky family. Which happens to include the star running back of the Dallas Cowboys."
"Which is why I got this show."
"Which is what helped you get this show." Landry corrects. "You're a wonderful girl. Someone who people will love to watch every week. So tell Uncle Landry what's wrong."
"Don't do that. It makes you sound gayer than you already are." Lizzie huffs.
"Lizzie! Apologize!" Lyla reprimands. "Tami I've got to go. My household is going to hell in a hand-basket without me. We'll talk after church about the you-know-what. Uh huh, you too. Say hello to your grandbabies"
"Now, now, Lyla. It's all right." Landry says. "Tell you what Eliza. You. Me. Lunch after church. Lyla. Did you say that the Taylor Grandbabies were in town? Excellent, excellent. I can kill two birds with one stone. Spoil my new star and spoil my godkids." he heads out the door, just as quickly as he came.
"That man." Lyla says, wandering off to get herself ready. Lizzie huffs once more and whirls off to do whatever it was teenager girls did.
That left Jason and Tim.
"You call Landry down here?"
"He called me. But I told it like it was."
"Good job Tim. Good job."
"I'm just doing my job, Street. Like you told me to."
"Yeah? Just doing your job. Then go get dressed." Jason says, wheeling towards Tim. "Go on. Go. We need to get dressed."
Tim smiles and goes. Because that's what he does, he listens.