Title: Road Trip
Chapter: Three
Fandom: Friday Night Lights/Supernatural crossover
Characters in this chapter: Tim Riggins, Julie Taylor
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,600
Disclaimer: SPN and FNL are copyright their respective copyright holders. I don't own anything here and am just doing this for fun.
Warnings/Spoilers: For FNL, this is set after Julie's graduation. For SPN, it's the middle of Season 1.
Summary: On a literature-inspired road trip of the Deep South, Julie and Tim's excellent adventure takes them right into the path of the WInchester Brothers.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter One,
Chapter Two By design, the first day of the road trip was a short one, only a few hundred miles of driving. As anxious as she was to get to the good parts of the trip, Julie didn’t want to get burned out on driving. At least Tim would share the driving responsibilities, a chore that Lois had flatly insisted that she wanted no part of.