Title: Smells Like Teen Spirit (It’s Just That It’s Delicate) - Two Facts and a Maybe.
Author: Jo
Pairing, Characters: Matt/Julie, Matt/Carlotta, Julie/OMC
Rating: Adult
Summary: Matt's and Julie's respective first times. Two factual and a maybe one.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.
Written as part of the Universal Fan Day effort over at
panther_mania. We're trying pimp FNL over there and I thought what better way than to get my hands on some good ole tapioca?. Y'all are more than welcome to head on over to
panther_mania and participate/comment/spread the love/enjoy.
She digs her hands into the muscles in his back all taut and never, never has she loved him more than in that moment and never, never could she have done this with someone else.)