Nov 29, 2004 17:21
Alright, mind my last entry. It was quite sad indeed. So I spent my whole Thanksgiving week working on my dumb biology project for Mr. Hall; however, I still did have some excitement. On thanksgiving day I had to go to my gg-maws cause she was sent to the hospital. Luckily, she is doing fine. I didn't want to leave her. She had the saddest little old face when we were leaving. All she wanted was some company.
So today, Yea I thought that word was foreign at first. Then I remembered it's teh correct term for "hell." Yea, how exciting. I brought in my poster (which is quite nice) and just chilled. I have to do something for forensics....I need Chris's help. And in return I get to help him with hi slove project. Poor baby, he needs help with it. So was yall's thanksgiving break?
I cannot type anything secret in here anymore because ALI just goes and makes fun of me for it. So ALI it's on's on!!!
Hopefully Sam and Chris can come over in a few....we all need help. Dah, I got reading glasses and they suck. they make things slightly bigger. It's not really helping my headaches. I think I look better in these then I do with my normal non-glasses self. :-(
Well, I guess it's time for me to go. I need to finish my project and kinda do my Forensics. Oh, and Malcom in the Middle is yea. OoOoO thank you Chris for everything. I love you.
Love peace and chikin greaseeeeeeee