Title: Dr. Feelbad
Author: Electra126
Prompt: A Mothers Love
Word Count: 232
Type of Fic: Ficlet
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character/s: Xander, Anya
Summary: Xander doesn't think he has what it takes to 'mother' the injured slayers.
“I don’t have the skill to be doing this.” Xander commented nervously as he fumbled with the gauze and bandages in the living room of the Summers house. Several girls lay scattered around the room, injured and in need of medical attention after their run with Faith in the sewers.
Though he had almost seven years of experience bandaging and tending small wounds, he was not used to injuries in this amount and severity.
“Medical attention doesn’t require skill, Xander. Observe: Gauze Pad, Wound . . .” Anya paused as she poured some saline solution over the wound on the girls hand and covered it up with the gauze pad, “. . . Covered Wound. All better, next in line please.”
Xander scoffed. “Okay, maybe it doesn’t take skill so much. But it takes something I don’t have, Ahn.”
“Two eyes?” Anya quipped, not stopping to notice if Xander took offense to her comment.
“No, but five points for bringing it up. It takes a motherly touch. As girlish as my manly-bellow may be . . . a mothers love I do not have.”
Anya paused and turned towards Xander with a serious look on her face.
“If it helps, Xander, I’ve always thought you were a real mother…”
“That’s fine, thanks!” Xander cut her off quickly before she could continue her sentence. “Always looking on the bright side, aren’t you, Ahn?”