Jan 07, 2006 16:00
finally moved back into my dorm and no longer living out of my car and rachel's house (YAY!!!) It is so nice to be back in Kalamazoo. It is just so weird for me to be at home. I don't live there on a regular basis so in someways i'm like a guest. Plus its nice to not have to report to anyone with what my plans are.
Books are one of the biggest rip-off's ever (especially when every other calc 2 class is using the same book from calc 1 except mine...stupid honors classes) $319 and I still don't have one book and one course pack. I'm just glad I found a used physics book...that saved me about $50. I love the bookstores logic. They have used prices for coursepacks that have on the front "Not Returnable". It made me laugh.