(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 04:04

It's been a few days since I updated this...I blame it ALL on the lovely first and second seasons of Nip/Tuck that I got for Christmas :P I have a very sad addiction to that show...I think I may need therapy, lol. But Julian is just oh soo pretty to watch and one fantastic actor, actually everyone on this show is freaking amazing. But Julian and Dylan are just uber great...and sexay :P

Man the holidays were busy! Whew...having three families takes up a lot of time :P But I'm glad I got to spend time with almost everyong. My brother and his wife are coming down Friday on their way to the Cowboys game in Dallas so I get to see my big brother. I miss him a lot and I rarely every get to see him. And Amanda is just awesome, she's soo good for him it's unreal the change in his since they've been together. Plus, I'm going to talk to him about that whole ordeal. Ask him about her, you guys know who I am talking about. Hopefully he'll be able to tell me a little more about her.

Oh I forgot to mention one thing when I was telling you all about my Christmas gifts. My dad got my sister and me both the same thing, a beautiful silver antique ring with a deep blue/purple-ish stone. It's gorgeous, but what makes it even better is that it was a gift just from my dad. It was just so sweet and I'll treasure it always. I have basically three pieces of jewelry that mean the world to me- my wedding/engagement rings (couting both wedding bands and the engagement ring as two), the pink ice ring that was one of the very last gifts my Poppa (grandpa) and grandmother got for me before he passed away, and the opal ring from the hubby that he got for me on our first anniversary. Now I have one more to add to the list :)

Anywho, I need to get in bed soon. I think I'm about 2 days away from a crappy cold. I can feel it, ugh, the hubby also isn't feeling too well. Just wanted to update this thing since it's been a few days since I've had time to even check my mail :P

Night everyone *hugs her flist*

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