So I'm late in reviewing the Boys video for "I Still"...guess I'm running on Backstreet Time these days :P
I just have one word. BRIAN. Oh my...the man looks so hot in this video that he should come with a warning label. The scruff is so damn hot, just accents that gorgeous, lickable jaw of his. The face he makes, which I call his "angry sex face", oh baby, ohhh baby. And that suit...he MAKES that suit. Good God in Heaven!! Yet, even though I heart him more than words can say, why in the hell is he walking, angsting, and kneeling in TRAFFIC??? Honey, I love ya, but get the hell out of the road, LOL.
Ok, so I'm on to AJ- ohhh pretty AJ. Jumping off the wall *giggles*- that right there was the cuteness! Love the "I'm pissed so I'm going to kick a fire hydrant" thing, wet AJ is f'ing HOTTT. He is just overly gorgeous in this video, and leaning on the wall..yeah, I so am am not thinking about dirty wall-sex! Now, Nicky, the man has never looked more gorgeous in a video to me. He's so good with the emoting in it, he looks so lost, and sad, and then he goes all ANGRY!Nick on us and kick the papers everywhere...he likes doing that doesn't he? Remember SOMH, he threw 'em that time. Kevin, oh Kevy-Kev. The passion in which he sings, Heaven help me I think I'm crushing on Kevin right now. He looks...totally screwable in this video. When he threw the glass, yeah, I'm odd so I thought that was soo sexy. I have never been one to say Howie is sexy, cute- hell yeah, but in this video he is one sexy man. I wanna pet him, and for me that is saying a LOT.
Okay so, now on to Saw 2. Not gonna give any spoilers. Just going to tell you to get your ass to the movies and SEE IT! It is so damn good. It IS gory, more so than the first one, but it's great. It has an even bigger twist than the first one, my jaw hit the floor. Oh and it's just weird seeing Donnie Wahlberg as a bad-ass cop, and...never thought he looked good before, but he looks a lot like he's " Oh do me!!" brother Mark in this movie. Yeah, go see it, but if your squimish...erm...just be forewarned that it is very gruesome in parts.
My random musings of the day. My allergies are going freaking haywire. The bastards who on the land around our house decided to cut down ALL the trees around us *fuckers*, now you can see the highway from my back porch...LOVELY! I hate them. My allergies REALLY hate them. Money sucks, Cooper tire can kiss my ass. They cut everyone's hours back, not getting paid for a day of work anymore, and is tight and I do not like it. It makes me nervous and panic-y. But the hubby is soo close to getting his old job back, which will be wonderful. Keep your fingers crossed for us that he does...we need it. Oh and I'm filling out an application to sub at the High school I graduated from...this shall be fun. I know all the teachers, they love me...yeah I was a gooood student! I really was...boy if they read this LJ their opinion of me would be shot to hell, LOL.
I'm also sad. No one on my flist loves me except Nik *huggles her*, LOL. I'm teasing, but yeah if you want to make me smile like AJ being told he can have Brian all to himself, then go
HERE and show me some love. Just leave a comment like you would to one of my lj posts :)
I'm out...and as me and JoJo say...AROK love coming out the ying-yang.
Mandy~ (and yeah that is me in the pic :P )