about my username...

Jan 25, 2010 18:57

stealing this from honeypoppy0212  just cause I can... *snickers*

How did you choose your LiveJournal username? Is there an interesting story behind it?

Submitted By sun_star_n_moon

View 2864 Answers

Ok I'm gonna try to explain this.. here goes...

I came  up with the name about 13 years ago while living in Arizona. Was a very different person then. And during that time, I along with my Aunt MIchelle (who btw is only 8 years older than me) were fans of the Backstreet Boys (yes I did like them as adult and still do a degree, but will always have a heart of rock and roll) Well anyways Chelle and  I like Nick and Brian respectivly and they were so close they were know as Frick and Frack, Brian being Frck, and NIck being Frack. So it was around that time that I intially got onlie and needed asername, and came up with the idea for Fricksgurl 75, adding the U as away of making it different cuase there were others that were using a variation on it. 75 was the year I was born and thus my name.. And I do still have Backstreet Boys albums and saw them in concert a an adult. Sort of a guilty pleausre but they werent half-bad for a boy band IMO But other than that i'm strictly a rock/country girl :D

As an addendum to this, Chelle and I have tattos with crosses and hearts on them, me with the name Frick, and her with the name Frack. We sort of adopted the names for ourselves. I've never changed the name causde I still like it, and It's easy for me to remember, being my email address too..


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