Walking Dead Meme :)

Apr 20, 2007 01:34

1.  Favorite Male Character - Daryl
2.  Favorite Female Character - Carol
3.  Least Favorite Male - Shane
4.  Least Favorite Female - Lori
5.  Most Annoying Character - Lori
6.  A Couple You Love - Maggie & Glenn cauz they are really the only established one on the show.. now if you want to get in hpothetical.. naw won't go there
7.  Favorite Episode - It's hard to choose for me but I can name a few like 'Cherokee Rose' and 'This Sorrowful Life' are some of my favs :)
8.  Favorite Scene - again, too hard...maybe the Cherokee Rose scene or Daryl out looking for Sophia...any scene where Daryl shows his true colors and character growth really > yeah i'd go with that that too.. and for some reason when Daryl is sitting on the floor stabbing it with Carols knife, which sort of falls into that sorta fallls in that category. and any scene Mishonne has with Carl :)
9.  Scene That Made You Laugh -  that zombie in the argyle sweater in the season 2 finale always cracks me up for some reason.. and of course Euguen.. and pretty much every smart remark by Daryl haha
10.  Scene That Made You Cry - Hershel dying and Daryl finding Merle :(
11. Scene that Left You Speechless - Lizzie killing her sister > no shit...  me too
12. Scariest Scene - When the Governor is stalking  Andrea and he's whistling... creepy
13. Creepiest Walker - The Mud Monster, and the severed Walker heads in the Governors study..
14. Best Walker Kill Scene - Maggie with the road sign > that was pretty badass I'd go with that one and when Daryl killed the walker with trunk of the car.
15.  Saddest Death - Hershel, Dale, and Sophia > definatltly cried the most with all of those
16.  Character Who Changed for the Best - Daryl.. and Carol :)
17.  Character Who Changed for the Worst - Shane
18.  Toughest Character - Daryl
19.  Best Looking Character - Daryl
20.  Most Naive Character - Beth
21. Weapon of Choice - crossbow, duh ;) > yup
22. Would you be a Leader or a Follower? follower
23.  What Would You Do if You Were Bit? end it rather quickly
24.  Scene That Surprised You - finding out that they were all infected.. that and Sophia in the barn
25.  Partner of Choice - Daryl... or Mishonne :)
26. Character You are Most Like - either Maggie or  Carol it seems
27. Worst Mistake a Character Made - Andrea trusting the Governor
28.  Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan - find Daryl Dixon....lol > sounds like a good one to me
29.  Scale of 1-10 How Scary is the Show?  depends on the episode really, some are 10's others in the middle on average probable about 6 or 7
30.  Reasons You Love This Show - the characters - they are really well written and there is so much character development and great interactions - also the story itself is very compelling and well written > very well put, I love the characters and the story. The atmosphere and the way it's filmed make it look very real and geuninely scary.. not tjust the walkers but the people themselves.. cause people really do act like that when society breaks down.

the walking dead, memes

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