The End of all Things ( Alook Back) Part 2 of 3

Jul 12, 2010 02:22

This is the 2nd of 3 parts of  my finale recap..I didn't start doing this in earnest til this year and I think I go back to at least Sundown with observations, recaps didn't start til after.. here's the most recent ones.. including the first half of this one. Recaps

So now here i start finally.. and the End... picking up after the wonderful Shayid ( Read more... )

recaps, seson 6, lost

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fricksgurl75 July 12 2010, 17:08:12 UTC
O get ,u caps at Lost-Media,they have all the caps in place so it makes it easier :) thank you for the compliment though, it makes it more rewarding :)

I do wonder if some if some people watch the show at all. The geeks your talking about can remember Dharam logos on shark but can't remember just how much Sayid loved and mourned Shannnon for a REAL long time. It's some people just have selective amnesia or something.

Boone and Shannon, I could go on and on about how bad that was as far as a realationship goes. And the writers to their credit steered awauy from it quickly. Their dysfuctinional relatihsip was something they both had to move on and away from for any growth at all, and thankfully they did. See people don't rmmember or relaize that Boones mission was to let go of her so he could movve on, literally and figurativly speaking.

Boone and Shanon were 'together' in a sesne as they both were in the same place most of the time,, just weren't together romantically, same with Sayid and Nadia toward the end. Saydid didn't remember with Nadia and Boone respestivly, they olnly remembered with eachother and that's significant.

Like Kate, who didn't remember with Jack, or Sawyer, but only when helping Claire with Aaron did she remember cause that was the most significant relationship she had. So it should hardly be surprising that peopole ended up where they ended up. They were where they were supposed to be.

For those people, debating is pretty pointless cause it's over, and it's canon now. If the theme of the show is redemption and starting over, Tabula Rasa so to speak, then Sayid and Shannon eneded up exactly where they were supposed to be all along. With eachother. Like it was alway meant to be.


lisagwilkins July 13 2010, 04:51:52 UTC
You did so good Patti...I love your recaps and I can't wait for the next one.


magali29 July 14 2010, 06:50:58 UTC
Yeah, it's canon now. We are happy and the others, well, deal with it! Besides, in a few years, nobody will belittle Sayid and Shannon because the new watchers would have started watching the show through daily reruns on tv or with DVDs and therefore won't have waited years for the resolution. So no "grand theories chats on the internet", you know?

I laughed at your "the geeks could talk about Dharma logos but forgot about how much Sayid had loved Shannon". So true, sometimes I wonder if those geeks aren't secrets Harlenquin readers, to stay on the surface like that!

Hey, do you watch Fringe? I really love that show. I watch NCIS, too. Not in love with it in the sense that I don't ship or go on the net to chat about it, but I never miss an episode, since the first season!


fricksgurl75 July 14 2010, 19:04:38 UTC
I don't watch Fringe but i've been told I should, so i'll probably pick up the 1st season DVD one of these days cause i'm sure i'd like it from what I hear. And l love NCIS but I don't chat about it like I chatted about Lost.

Harleguin novels would explain alot about their views on love hehe, I think alot of geeks probably read stuff like that but would never admit it ha.

As far the show goes, it is going to be in reruns and will get new viewers who won't be predudiced some of the ones who watched it and took it so seriously, the geeks being one of those people. It won't take as long to get from beinginning to end and they'll see the relationships, like Sayid and Shannons, wihth fresh eyes. And will accept it alot more than some.

See I think most people were fine with that, had accepted it, based on the overall feedback from the show most were happy with everything. It's the vocal minority that you hear from alot. The onese who are pissed or just plain confused. Most of the people tha tare happy about have no reason to go on the boards and debate, cause they are for the most part satified, and the internet dosen't make up the MAJORITY of Lost viewers either.

I'm looking back on it now, and probably will do m ore at Sayid and Shannon as being one of the more underrated relationships on the show. Everyone talked about Jate vs Skate vs Suliet, about PB&J alot of the other relationships kind of got pushed aside.

Shayid had the added note of being controverial consdiering the times as well. It was groundbraeking relationship on tv and it was said was some hate mail about it as well. And Arab guy with a white girl. But I think that's one of the other reasons I love it was cause they were so different but their differences didn't interfere with them loving eachother, and were so important to eachother that they ended up together. .


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