A Perfect Balance (Part 1 of 2 analysis of latest epidose)

Apr 25, 2010 22:28

A Pefect Balance...

Black and While as been a common theme on Lost. starting the with the the whole backgammon thing with Locke. .not in the skin color sense, but in a larger snnse. It's symbolic.. As is Jacobs scale which had a white and black rock resting in perfvect balance. One counteracts the other, and in every person there is a balance of this.  Like Yin and Yang. you know these 2 right?

You'll not that there's a bit of black in the whate, and a bit of whit in the black. It is a symbol of blance. One side cannot exist  soletly withoutt the other.. When the MIB removes the white stone, it puts the Black in dominance, withouth the White  to hold it in check. Its the symbolism in killing Jacbo, who is the White's chief agent., and was thenly thing keeping the MIB from reaching his full  potenttial of dstrucction.

Not that Jacob is wearing a white shirt, and MIB is wearing a black one. It is meant to help you differeinte, but the differences should be obvious.. But there are some who say one is not better than ther other. That Jacob is just as evil. But precisely how evil is he? No more evil than God himself can be on occasion. Jacob has his reasons for what he does, and he dosen't bave to explain them but he does to Richard. "I brignt them here to show them their pasts don't matter."

But he seems to piss a prtion of the audience off for some reaosn. Why? Well because it's the contigent tht just dosen't like the diea of an authrigyty figure/deity  that moves people on a large chessboard, or backgammon board if you prefer. They don't like the idea of answering to anyone but themselves and don't like morality in general. But they don't see that it's not like that. Jacob dosen't ask you to do anything he dosen't thinkk you would do anyway. He does not offer you a prize for your loyalty, dosen't offer false promise. Dosen't aske you to horrible things in return for these promise..

He lets you make up your own  mind on what to do. It's about free will. Cause in the end, it's your own  decision to do the right thing. It dosen't work any other way.  And this seems to really piss peole off. They expaect their God to have all the answer and to show them the way. They want God to make it  easier for them, to tell them what's right and wrong, when they should already know the difference.  Cause what's right is never easy, it's not supposed to be. Maybe that's what pisses people off the most of all.

Now the MIB has an entierly different motivation. He wasn't off, plain and simple. And I"m sue in t heir upcoming episode, we may feel some sympathy for him. But remember Yin and Yang, there is always a little good in the bad. So we should be careful , cause just because ones been hurt, does not give them right to hurt others who had no part in it. And he is hurting people.

Using their vulnerablity....

or manipulating their pain...

Sayid and Claire may have been polar oppoites as far as their off ilsand lives. But they are both victims of some terrible circumstances as well. Is Sayid any less a than Claire because of his past crime?. Maybe to some  people,. As much as Claire needed a father figure and someone to depend on when she was essentially abandoned, not one but several times, Sayid hasbeen essentally negleted emotionally for a good part of his life.Exploited for one particular talent. They were both in need of being needed, and both have have lost something they want back. And are being led on by false promises of getting it back. Does excuse their actions? No. It just makes it that much more complicated.

They made the choice yes, but were they ever given any real options either. I can  feel sympathy for them because they were essentially clamied they never really hd the free will to begin with.

And for that.. Flocke is evil. and needs to be stopped..

Now that the one thing that had always held back back the Black is dead.  Killed by someone that a part of him still believed was good. Another persong manipultd into killing  by this monster. The Yin and Yang, the perfect balance is no more as a result. . And now it is, up to the less powerful ones to right the ship..

In the Stand by Stephen King, there was 2 groupls, one ledd by a force of the White, Mother Abigal, and the  other by the force of the Black, Radall Fagg. Not all the people whoe the White were perfect by any stretch, and not  all the ones went to the other  side were totally bad.  It was a choice they made.  White is different  from pure good, which probably dosen't really exist.  And white isn't perfect, it's terribly flawed, as Tolkin says in the Lord off the Rings, men are by their very nature flawed, burdened with weekness and emiotions, and times of doubt.

And one point Mother abigal tells one of her foollowers that there was dark workd ahead 'dark and bloody'  and that we have been chose to do it. 'And God dosen't explain his will to thelikes of Abby Freemantle. She tells NIcks he's been chosen and Nick tells her he dosne't believe in God and her answwer was... "it don't matter, cause he believes in you.."

Alot of people died in that book, 'rthe righteious and the unrighteous were consumed in the holy fire. It will always cost you  to do stand and do the right theing. But in the end, doing nothing is worse. YOu don't have to pick a side, just, as the Eagles say. "find a place to make your stand.."

Now part 2 of this 2 parter will be a look into the latest episode of Lost "The New Recurit" and it will be up soon. Had to get this little brief interlude out of the way first..

jacob, claire, reviews, seson 6, recap, sayid, lost

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