I swear I'll stop NaNo spamming you guys soon

Nov 05, 2010 04:37

I WAS PRODUCTIVE-ish today/tonight with my novel. I finished the prologue early in the morning and I did the TV Tropes for three out of four of my main characters!

Also my plurk is now active


The Grim Reaper - His job.
Don't Fear The Reaper- Once you get past the fact he's kind of a jerkass, he's not such a bad guy. And better than a sack of bones in a robe, right?
Hidden Heart Of Gold- He has a secret soft spot for young kids and dogs.
Fallen Angel
True Neutral - All Reapers are this, whether they like it or not.
Beard of Sorrow But more like Stubble of Sorrow
The Stoic
Death Is Such An Odd Thing
Drowning My Sorrows
Smoking Is Cool
Stoic Woobie
Deadpan Snarker
All Part Of The Job

Our Angels Are Different
The Cutie
Stepford Smiler - nNear the end. Oh god, near the end...
Let Them Die Happy - What she'd like for the people Calem has to reap.
Think Happy Thoughts
I Want My Beloved To Be Happy- Somewhat subverted.
The Chick - Depending on Francis's mood.
Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! - She has a lot of these moments.
Break The Cutie
Archangel Gabriel - She was named after him.
Wings Do Nothing - Only Archangels can fly. The lower level angels only have them as a status symbol.
Neutral Good
The Woobie
LesYay/Foe Yay - With Francis.

Affably Evil - Mostly in the way that it's just Francis's nature as a demon.
Our Demons Are Different
Noble Demon - Compared to some other demons, hell yes.
Anything That Moves
Depraved Bisexual - In spades.
Gender Bender - Francis can change genders at will, in the blink of an eye.
Making Love In All The Wrong Places - And by 'all the wrong places' I mean just about anywhere.
LesYay/Foe Yay With Gabriella.
ChaoticNeutral - Francis does what Francis wants.
Dark Is Not Evil

And the story itself is the result of Celestial Bureaucracy.

nanowrimo, spammin' mah f-list, tv tropes has ruined my life, original characters, plurk

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