Tonight is quickly becoming one of those nights where I feel like my current interests might be getting the better of me.
About a week ago I signed up for NaNoWrimo. I already have a plot in mind, I know the
characters I'm going to use and all that, so that's not a problem. The problem lies in my new addiction to Twitter. I was browing the Wrimo forums and saw a post about making Facebook accounts for your characters for funsies.
My first thought was "Dude, making a Twitter account for my OCs would be AWESOME. :D" That was quickly followed by "Dude, I have a problem. D:"
What do you all think? Would anybody want to follow the Twitter of a cranky Grim Reaper twittering from his iPhone about how many people he reaped this week who died from autoerotic asphyxiation?
EDIT: oh god I did it.
Who wants to follow an asshole Grim Reaper?