Title: First Glance
Summary: The First time Iruka saw Kakashi
The first time that Iruka saw Kakashi was when the jounin was walking down the street. It was a rather uneventful moment. Iruka didn’t know what the Kakashi was doing; he could have been getting groceries, or any other thousand inane tasks. The actual goal of the jounin was not what caught Iruka’s attention, it was the man’s movements. The way his dark blue pants pulled and creased around his long, lanky legs as he gracefully strode through the crowded street. The way he slouched, leaning back, hard calloused hands stuffed into pockets. He had an abstracted look about him, almost as if he really wasn’t here. It was cold that day, Iruka saw that the jounin’s exposed cheek had pink tinge.
And then the moment was over, Iruka dropped his glance, and Kakashi melted back into the crowd.