Oct 05, 2005 13:12
You may be noticing that your clothes are getting snug due to a growing waistline. It has a lot to do with the fact that your uterus has grown to about the size of a large orange. Cartilage and bones are forming and your baby is just beginning to make movements as the brain, muscles, and nerve connections are forming (you won't feel these movements yet however).
Other changes that are happening:
* Fingers and thumbs have appeared on the baby's hands.
* Gonads are forming and will become either testes or ovaries depending on the sex of your baby.
* The baby's eyelids have begun to form.
* Your body has a little over one teaspoon of amniotic fluid in your uterus at this time.
Baby's Size this week (head to rump): About 1 to 1 1/4 inch
Right now your baby is about the size of an olive
Well As For Me: Its been a rough week. Friday morning at the doctors, I hadnt kept anything down since thursday afternoon, and the doctor said I was definately dehydrated, and told me to call back that evening before the office closed with a report on what I kept down.....Well, I hadnt even kept water down...so she told me to either go get an anti vomiting medication (totally safe for baby, its been used since 70's, and even used by midwifes here) or go to the ER and get an IV to get hydrated...after carefull research on the drug we decided to get the medicine....Im not taking it every six hours as directed, only when the nausea wont let me keep much down....so Ive started to ease up on the vomiting....YEAY Iteresting though the doctor said Im having such a rough time with the sickness because my HCG Hormone (Preg hormone) is very high, (which is the major symptom of twins) However we cant be sure until late october when we get to hear the heart beat. Also interesting... in talking with me mom I found out that there are twins on my moms side....some cousins and some aunts that Ive met like once. I can only say it would be more than a handfull.
I did have (and have had) interesting dreams lately, but last night I dreamed we brought the baby home, no twins, but a boy....makes me wonder?? Jason wants a boy, me personally I dont care as long as its healthy.