Project 365: Once Again, More Food...

May 26, 2011 10:24

A couple of days ago, we had a farewell brunch for a good friend of ours at Jaya One. Originally, we had planned for Kissaten, but they open pretty late and artemis_obscure had a little event she needed to rush off to.

In any case, 'Ducking' (yes, the name is hillarious) was chosen. It's a little Chinese eatery with pretty awesome 'Wantan' noodles. Here's a pic:

So, clockwise from the top it's roast pork (siew yok), roast duck leg, and roast sweet pork (char siew). All these awesome meats were on top really good egg noodles.

Mmmm... pork. (sorry rieyll ini tak halal. =p )

As you can see, my days are usually filled with food. Honey, I think we have a theme. *grins*

project 365, random

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