I Wanna be on the Cover of Forbes Magazine Smiling Next to Oprah

Sep 23, 2010 08:47

TV Show roundup.

Well, okay, maybe not a roundup but rather just a few things about two TV shows.

1) The new show: "The Event"
I think, if you stop trying really hard to become the next 'Lost', you may actually have great storyline in there somewhere. 'Lost' became confusing after they've established some characters and not from the moment someone said "action!". Though I think you may have misunderstood confusion and suspense. It's two very different things.

2) The old show: "Glee"
I like Mike a lot, but what's with the prancing about without a shirt at a kid's camp???? I think that qualifies as porn... 0_o
Poor Artie. Poor Finn--stuck with Rachel. =\

Oh, and I have a bone to pick with the "I Wanna be a Billionaire" song scene. Apparently, the new blond kid has super powers. He can play any song in one chord on the guitar. Okay, so it wasn't the entire song, but there were scenes where his fingers were on a chord for QUITE A WHILE. Finn seems to have grown that ability, too, since the drums doesn't match with his playing. Either that or my hearing is severely impaired (which is VERY possible).

Also, did they add a blond kid in just because there were none in season one?

And there's a sudden increase in Mike's screentime. Not that I'm complaining, but erm... screen time with a real purpose would be great and not just as wallpaper.

I'm being too critical, am I? Damn it.

glee, tv, random

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