Stargate Atlantis ~ Manip ~ The Last Man/I Am Legend

Mar 12, 2008 01:00

So... Stargate Atlantis' season finale, "The Last Man". Won't spoil it... sorta. This is completely and utterly lost_her_sway's fault whom mentioned something about how Sheppard would be perfect in a 'I Am Legend' scenario.

I swear to you, other people's bunnies are haunting me.

I need to stop.

This fictional poster comes in three different "versions". The first two's difference is obvious, while the final one is seriously subtle. Cookies for anyone who can guess what/who it is.




All text on the poster was made by me. Hey, even the credits are real:

Original images:


That was massively photoshopped by me into:

I had actually planned to put in a Puddle Jumper as well, but decided against it at the last moment. Mainly because a) if I followed the laws of perspectives, then the Puddle Jumper would be really small and not at all noticeable except maybe as a blob of grey in the sky, and b) because I have crappy screenshots of it.

Comments, and criticsms are most welcomed.
(Oh, and please do not take, duplicate, reproduce, modify, and/or pass it off as your own. Thanks =] )

i am legend, art, crossover, john sheppard, joe flanigan, david hewlett, poster, stargate atlantis, manip, movie

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