Don't you just hate when you are right and the medical professionals have been wrong......ARGH!!!

Mar 18, 2011 15:50

Standing joke at the Neurologist today is that I was right nine months ago; and because they concentrated so hard on Carpal Tunnel in the wrists causing all the problems (because they are the medical experts and I'm not), the arthritis ran unchecked/untreated and therefore got the upper hand. It now is controlling a few key joints in my body including my Oh, and I have Carpal Tunnel that was masked by the Arthritis that they said I didn't have.

Previous drug including Prednisone fucked my system up big time and will take time to recover from the side effects; the new drug is doing nothing but testing the extreme limits of my liver. They are running out of options and now want me to try bio feedback massage, a gluten-free diet along with meditation.

And again, "when the swelling goes down, the pain will stop" so get used to sleeping with the ice packs and using moist heat for relief.

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