Jul 28, 2009 07:53
For the past couple of weeks I have noticed a slowing of posts on LJ. Perhaps the summer has taken fingers from keyboards? Perhaps not! It turns out that, even though I was logged in to LJ, I had not re-logged in in quite some time. Apparently, LJ decided that since I was logged in for so long, I clearly did not need to see Friend-locked posts. This was brought to my attention by a friend who had every right to expect that I would have commented on his F-locked post. Is this a new feature of LJ? Perhaps it is in the way Firefox (3.5) handles cookies? Perhaps it was a weird concatenation of both software pieces stewing in Windows XP? No matter! it happened, and it is fixed, or at least worked-around. Hence my cautionary tale concludes: Re-log in to LJ every week to avoid missing important but private communications!