One down, 364 to go.

Jan 02, 2007 00:20

Happy Birthday 2007...don't let me down.

Well...I guess we're not all perfect.

I'm currently jobless, my girlfriend is leaving back to Arizona, my parents are shittier than lactaid, and I'm still sick and need a doctor, all without health insurrance. I'm not blamming 2007 on these things since I knew this stuff would carry into the new year. I blame 2006 and fate for kicking me in the ass, and what better way to sum this bucket of suck up than to write out a poorly crafted ''Eulogy to 2006''. Here goes nothin'...

2006, you were everything we expected...pain, loss, anger, frustration, depression, obsession, without perfection, and certainly killing my erection...ever so perfectly. We sat here and blammed our losses on you when we didn't feel like blamming ourselves. We ate bad food, argued with each other, cried about misfortune, and had a poorly spent Senior Prom. For some of us, you were a year to the rest of us, you were a reason to cry when no one else was around. When loved ones went, you were there to point and laugh. When items of hatred seemed to grow in population, you were in the shadows giggling. I blammed you for more things done to me, than the media blammed Courtney Love for being a drug addict. I saw my friends shatter into pieces, scurry away, or leave small pieces to remember them by, and also saw events such as my Senior Prom bring everyone into seperation. I've continued to live in a hard relationship with a girl that is definately what I want, and it seemed to get harder...I can't blame 2006 for everything, but I can sure as hell act like I am while I look at the mistakes I've made. 2006 actually made me realize my faults and I went through my punishments. I no longer find myself in the same relationships I was in years before the big '06, but I find myself in few relationships, and some problems that I have to deal with instead. 2006 was that crossroad in which I leave the younger world, and choose life and adulthood, or demise. I've done some stupid things in 2006 and dealt with the cards given to me countless times, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I respect everyone that stayed with me throughout that but can't deal with the others who stayed behind...I can only hope for the best of those that go their seperate ways and atleast continue to say ''Hey, what's crackin' dude?'' every now and then and make me feel pretty. I hope the decisions I've made in the last year regarding my relationship with Nicole will push me to believe more and more that it's going to get me in the right place later on after it's all said and done. I can only try this year to just do what I gotta do. I like everyone else my age or close to it, has to figure out what they're going to do, and how it's gonna be done. I have a plan and I'm gonna stick with it. I still have some side projects, and some others that I've unfortunately grown out of at the moment. I'm trying to bring back a part of myself that was more patient, fun feeling, yet keep a more intrigued towards work kind of feeling to myself to survive the next years of my life. Whatever doesn't survive dies and that's that...but I'm trying harder and harder to keep going and going as fast and as proficient as possible.

So this ''eulogy'' is more like a closing to a shitty year, and an opening to new beginings...seems like something I would write for english class or something...I sure as fuck wish I had this kind of ambition for a writting like this, or else I'd probably be more interested. Regardless...I'm starting new and trying to remake another part of my life yet again. I've seen better days, and different phases of my persona go from place to place, but here I am trying to become a man, and I feel like I'm finally getting there. I'm still immature as fuck, and still need some work, but I'm getting there...I'm trying and I still hope theres the friends and family I love the most to help me/walk with me through it all.
Goodbye 2006, welcome 2007...make me feel pretty.

Today was Nicoles last day home...I was pretty pissed about it, and definately haven't reacted like I did in a long fucking time. I guess I'm more human than I thought.

I'm still sick.

Still kinda pissed about stuff.

Abit bitter.

Kinda bored.

Did I mention no more fast food? There's a bet going on between me, Brent, Susan, and more fast food...the list goes as follows as the restrictions...

Taco Bell
Burger King
Chick F'la
White Castle
Dairy Queen's food
Roy Rodgers
Long John Silvers

Although us four have gone without McDonalds for such a long time before the year was over, that was a seperate deal made just for the saftey of our own well beings.

Basically all of the previously named fast food places cannot be eaten or else the first two losers put in 50 dollars...third person to lose keeps their money but doesn't get anything, and the last man standing gets the 100 dollars that was put in by the first two losers along with keeping their money. Basically the winner gets 100 smackaroos. I don't plan on losing...but I don't plan on it being easy either.

I suppose that's it for now. I have afew updates on the counter and all that beautiful information you all read at the end of this BS. Comment on your end of 2006 experience, and leave a name...don't be shy...let lose. Peace out bitches.

Picture of the update:

My prediction for the future: I'm going to crave one of those damn fast food resturaunts.

My mood rating on this Journal entry from 1-10(1 being worse...10 being good): 3

Random fact of the update: 2006 is over.

Side projects:

-Obtaining a job: 0%
-Obtaining my drivers permit: 0%
-Learning how to play guitar: 34%
-Plotting for a movie: 0%
-Soundtrack plotting for a movie: 20%
-Getting a decent guitar setup: 50%
-Potential webcam video: 0%

Things you should probably be aware of:
-Days I've had Brent's glucagon instructions on my desk: 380 days
-Days I've had a Cherry Condom and a blunt sitting on my desk: 404 days
-Days I've had a small pack of surgical lube on my desk: 84 day
-Days I've had Nicoles hairband around my wrist: 381 days
-Donation money to the CNSLCF(The Can): $1.25
-Days I've had a dollar that Mia's mom gave me while drunk sitting on my desk: 98 Days
-Days I've had the tennis ball used on the Morning of Mayhem which took place July 30, 2004: 858 days
-Cars I've driven without my license: 6 cars
-Number of times Brandon has touched my head: 56 times
-Days I've had my Sheetz order number 01 ticket(Sausage Biscuit and a cup of fries with honey mustard) - 52 Days

Money in Clides's pocket: $5.00

Motivation meter for doing another webcam video: 0%

Johnson Meter: 79%

''The Morgue"
-R.I.P. Bag of Goldfish: 289 days old
-R.I.P. Expired Dr. Pepper: 913 days old
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