So likewise, my last journal update created some anger within others. It did accomplish something though and got myself and some others talking and working some stuff out. To make a long story short, things pretty much got explained to me by other sides of the story concerning what happened in the last two weeks. However more bullshit was created within others and if you paid any attention to last updates comments made, then you'll know what I mean. However all is well pretty much...not everything is great but its better than it has been.
However nothing really got fixed for Anti-prom. As far as I know, Ron, Sarah, Maiq, and Val are going to The Melting Pot, and Brent, Susan, Nicole, Chiang, and I are going to The Willow. Both parties are sleeping over at seperate houses and possibly making appearances to each other during Kennywood. I don't have any problem with any of this anymore because it just doesn't matter anymore.
To further clear things up, I'm not pissed at everyone in particular at the moment. I am feeling abit bitter towards a certain person at the moment, but that is another situation. People that I may have came off as slandering in my last update (IE: Sarah, Don, Tina), shouldn't worry because I ment no harsh words to them. A portion of the other people that I did I have already talked to and things are good now. However not all things are great at the moment still. I don't think I'll ever get a complete story to all of this because there's always something else to hear. I don't really care anymore. I just want this school year to be over and see where summer takes me.
Aside from all of that, I went to prom with Mia on Friday and it was damn fun. I met some cool ass people there. I finally met Mias boyfriend Jamie who is pretty cool regardless of all the shit me and him have dealt with in the past. There was ofcourse alcoholic substances and other things in that category. There were many people in the vacinity, and half of the night I can't really remember. All I know is that I made a trip to Mcdonalds, drank a decent amount, and forgot to ask people to see their boobs. I woke up Saturday morning not realizing what the fuck was going on, and I went to Panera with Mia, Ruby, and these chicks Brandi, and Jullie. I got two orange juices....came back to Jamies house and slept on the couch again for a good amount. I remember several people calling me during this time period. I went home at around 2-3 or so and got ready to go out to dinner with Nicole by ourselves which was a first in about a month. We went to Shogun which kicked ass, came home and did some watching of the TV until about 1 AM. I was nevertheless content, with a hint of questionable thoughts about everything that has happened up to that point. Sunday came and was quite boring. Things became more clear by the end of that night concerning important subjects in my life at this point....but not everything. At some point between Sunday evening until Monday evening, Don and I had our first arguement through the comments of my journal entry. That was worked out like big boys should later at night however. I am officially calm and content at 11:05 pm or so.
I'm behind in my school work and am still feeling the stressfull effects of the senior project movie even though its finished. I need to bust ass on that school work or else I'll find myself pouting harder than ever.
Anti-prom is tonight. The willow will consist of Me, Nicole, Chiang, Brent, and Susan at around 8 or so. Afterwards we're going back to Brents house to do some movie viewing or something of the sort. Other activities will take place that I'm unaware of, and we will wake up in the morning for breakfast, and eventually going to Kennywood. If this night sucks, I swear to God I will fuck someones ass faster than the blink of an eye. Last years prom consisted of me being pissed, food poisoned, no sleep, and going home early from Kennywood and not talking to a soul for about 2 days or something. Bitchery isn't welcomed.
Everyone else is doing their thing, and Don and Tina are going to prom. I hope they have a good time at prom because I'm afraid they probably won't considering it's Woodland Hills. Either way it will hopefully be a good two days or so.
Some Gateway prom pictures...
I look drunk or stoned but I wasn't.
Me, Mia, Sam, and Zack...we decided to be stupid before dinner...and I look like I'm brushing my shoulders off or popping my collar...people just get bad pictures of me at bad times. :p
I'll update with more pictures from Gateways prom and our Anti prom hopefully by Thursday or Friday. Until then....wish me luck.
Picture of the update: (For some reason the picture last time didn't show up so I guess I'll post two this time to make up for it)
My prediction for the future: I'm going to get more pissed off than I am.
My prediction that is potentially better than Dons: Don will get food poisoning from WH's prom food.
My mood rating on this Journal entry from 1-10(1 being worse...10 being good): 5.5
Random fact of the update: There has been a box of Junior Mints on my desk for about two weeks...and there is nothing inside the box.
Side projects:
-Establishing Diga Amor: 0% finished
-Obtaining a job: 0% finished
-Obtaining my drivers permit: 0%
Things you should probably be aware of:
-Days I've had a Dr. Pepper(Expiration:November 17, 2003) since its expiration date: 913 days
-Days I've had Brent's glucagon instructions on my desk: 148 days
-Days I've had a Cherry Condom and a blunt sitting on my desk: 172 days
-Days I've had Nicoles hairband around my wrist: 145 days
-Donation money to the CNSLCF(The Can): $16.72
-Days I've had the tennis ball used on the Morning of Mayhem which took place July 30, 2004: 626 days
-Cars I've driven without my license: 4 cars
-Number of times Brandon has touched my head: 38 times
Johnson Meter: 90%
''The Morgue"
-R.I.P. Bag of Goldfish: 289 days old