
May 22, 2005 18:05

Shot gun fire
Anybody home?
I've got two dimes in the telephone
And it's not easy tonight

So yeah, sittin' here bein' bored. Went to WalMart the other day. Picked up Five for Fghting for 9 bucks. Been wanting to get that for forever. <-Finally got my income tax back, so I've got a little money to play with over and above what I need for the baby. -> Checked out the clearance rack, cause I'm thrifty like that, and found a pair of cool ass jeans for $10. They're usually a $25-$30 pair of jeans, so I was happy! Picked up the modulator for the DVD. Now all I've gotto do is remember to pick up a cord to hook it all up to the VCR, lol.

Had to get baby stuff, so while I was over there, I checked out the clothes looking for a little sundress or something like that. Something girly! LOL. She doesn't have much in that area. So, yeah, I looked at everything. All the sundresses and shorts outfits were either too big or preemies. She still fits in preemies, but I want something she can wear for more than just a month more, you know?

So anyway, I FINALLLY found this cute little outfit. It's Piglet. So adorable. And it so fits her whole personality.

Picked up the stuff I needed for her and the animals. Got a CD player for $10. I'm so gonna need it at school now, since John's not there no more, and for when I take the GED. I don't have distraction, I'm so screwed!

But yeah, that was fun.

Went to a Sandy Paws Rally deal today. The baby got fussed over big time. Tim, one of the guys in the club, wanted to hold her, so I gave her to him. She looked at him then was like, ok, I'm goin' to sleep now! LOL. <- This was AFTER she'd puked twice... -> It was so cute. I got one pic, but Tim woulda hurt me had I gotten more. LOL. As it was, he tried to take my camera so I couldn't have the pic of him.

He's so strange. ; p

We came home early, cause the baby was getting way sick in the heat. So was Grams. I was hyped up on sugar, so I didn't much care, lol.

We're not going in the market anymore for a while....

Went in Friday, and Donna walked up to me as Grams and I were shopping.Donna was all, you know you don't work here anymore, so you can't be up in the breakrooom... Apparently, *someone*, can't IMAGINE who!, went up to her and told her I've been in the breakroom since I quit, takin' the pacifier up there to wash it, when we have two sinks and a bathroom to use in there!, and all this junk.

Well, Grams got pissed. Started getting really loud, saying we're not coming in anymore, that she's sick of PJ and Rebecca's shyte. Talking about suing them. She was NOT happy. Talked to Betty, and she was all unhappy. Finally understood why PJ and I had problems after we told her about all the shyte they put me through while I was pregnant and how they say the baby's half black and everything else.

Got home, and Grams put in a complaint with Mary. It should be interesting when Gommel calls tomorrow. He's already unhappy that I quit because of it. He'll really not like this.

But yeah, that's a bit, I don't know, uncool. I mean, I don't want to see him all the time, but I've got friends there that I'm gonna miss and Sean's there it just kinda sucks.

Was wrong about John leaving yesterday. He doesn't leave til TOMORROW. It's so sucky though. I'm gonna miss him so bad. It bites. 2 months and 1 week without John on even IM's. I'm in trouble. I always end up doing stupid shyte when I'm not even really able to TALk to him at least for long periods of time.

We talked a good while last night, and hopefully we'll get to talk tonight. He promised to send me the address so I can write to him. We'll see.

Had a marriage proposal last night. And he wasn't kidding either. Said he'd ask me right now to marry him right away, but he needs fundage first.

Was a serious shocker. Especially coming from him.

So, now, I've got 3 almost 30-year-olds that like me, Tim included if Grams is right, 3 guys wanting to marry me and raise the baby, PJ NOT included, and like, 4 guys wanting to date me, or at least jump my bones. This is freaking scary man!!!!

And Lyric update: She's 11 weeks now. And, not only is she lifting her head as much as she possibly can and staying awake longer to play and watch everything but she's trying to sit up already! It's unbelievable! She gets sooooo ticked that she can't.

I swear, this baby's gonna walk before she crawls...

But yeah. I'm off to watch Butterfly Effect now. Back on later to, HOPEFULLY, catch John one last time.

(if its tuesday i must change my alias) ~Jp
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