Nov 09, 2004 18:20
Well to start it off I forgot to take my meds. Then I had to go home to ge my gas money and get my luch bc I forgot it at the house and that coust me 30mins that I don't know that I can make up for work sense I have a Orthopedic appointment tomorrow. I had an MRI done last friday on the 5th. Fun got to sit there for 20 mins bord. I'm scared to the Orthopediest is going to say that I have to have surgury on my ka-nee. I don't want that. That's very bad. And I let something stupid bother me again. It was totally stupid of me to do that. But I guess that there was no excuse for it coming up again. I guess I still need to work on it. I just thought that maybe Billy was doing something just for me and it tures out that I was wrong. Oh well. TTYL> Buhbye.