Happy! New Year! New Books! Etc.

Jan 09, 2010 23:38

Belated, but happy 2010 greetings to everyone!

Not my resolutions, but my "to do" list for 2010:
1. Daily devotionals.
2. Get involved with a charitable organization/ministry and be committed to it.
3. Exercise at least twice a week.
4. Write a letter every month to someone I haven't talked with in a while.

Other goals:
1. Lose and keep off five pounds by March 31.
2. Learn the guitar (I say this every year).
3. Be happy at work and at home. Don't become passive/aggressive or avoid conflict--learn how to address and resolve issues calmly and maturely.
4. Finish reading at least one book a month.

On an unrelated note:
I spent all afternoon and evening at the public library and a bookstore reading. I indulged in reading manga and the last three books of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (and flipping through cookbooks and baking books in the bargain aisles), and it was a wonderful day. What is it about reading books that are targeted to people below my age level that makes me feel so carefree and happy?


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