Makeshift Happiness...KokiMaru drabbles...

Apr 30, 2009 22:28

Title: Makeshift Happiness
Pairing: TaNaka / NakaNaka / KokiMaru / ...
Genre: angst, drama, yaoi
Warning: yaoi and varied explicitness; uke!maru
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: If you love me, then why can't i feel it?
Note 1: 2nd part of the 10 drabble challenge, where you have to create drabbles from random songs playing on your playlist / music player.
Note 2: a KokiMaru set where Koki is always the seme...because i love uke!maru...yay!!! \(^0^)/

Rules (as i remember them):
1. choose a pairing to write about.
2. turn on you're music player and activate shuffle mode.
3. write a drabble related to the current song playing on your playlist.
4. make sure to finish the story before the song is over.
5. create 10 of these then post.

[6] All the Things She Said t.A.T.u.
Rating: PG

“If you love me, them why can’t I feel it?”

These were the words that kept playing on his mind, like a loathed mantra, unaccepted yet true. He never told him he loved him, except during last night’s argument. He never showed him through his actions, except inside their bedroom.

But there’s still time to make up for his mistakes. He smiled, stood up from the couch and made his way out to buy his Yucchi a present.

Today, he’ll show him how much he loves him.

[7] Famous Last Words My Chemical Romance
Rating: NC-17

Circling his arms around his neck and clinging to him like there’s no tomorrow, he felt himself being pushed down to bed. Heavy body pressed down on his skinny frame, yet not crushing him. Calloused hands roamed his body, making him pant and moan.

A finger probing his entrance, he saw starts behind closed eyes. A lick on his lower lip, and he opened them to receive the kiss. Moaning into it, his last thoughts before losing himself on this heat was how much he love this man.

And he’ll forgive him over and over again, just like he was forgiven all over again.

[8] Para Noir Marilyn Manson
Rating: NC-17

As he felt ruthless fingers digging in his hips, as the felt the sting of sharp teeth dig on his shoulder blade, as he felt the harsh thrusts inside him of the man above him, he could not help but let a tears slip out of his eyes.

This isn’t love. He wasn’t loved. He’s nothing more than a sex toy. A reliever. Used when needed. Ignored when not. Used then thrown away.

This isn’t making love… This if fucking.

[9] Who Knew Pink
Rating: PG

“You’ll never last long,” was Ueda’s stingy words when he told the group of their relationship. He warned him of Koki’s flirty attitude.

“We will…” he answered defiantly. He knew Koki loved him, and he loves Koki back, too.

“He might leave you.”

“He will not!”

“Believe me, Yuichi, there’s better people out there. Those that will never hurt you,” was his best friend’s words.

Words that he wish he listened to before, so he isn’t crying like this now.

[10] But It’s Better If You Do Panic! At the Disco
Rating: NC-17

So hot... so damn fucking hot!

I tried controlling myself, struggling to sit still while my Yuichi moved gracefully in front of me - in nothing more but a corset and a short leather skirt.

I swear to God I was trying to behave, but I’m failing, damn it! My pants were tight now... too tight, if you ask me.

He swayed seductively, deliberately fleeting his net-gloved hands near my crotch. I cursed loudly.

I’m breathing hard now, and I’m quite sure my gaze is smoldering. My whole expression shouts LUST!

He smirked, a sexy smirk rarely seen. He moved behind me snaking his arms around my neck, his soft, dainty fingers traveling down my bare torso. It burns where they touch, making me groan when they stopped at my belly, nearly touching the tip of my erection still inside my jeans. I gripped at those hands.

“Relax,” he whispered, blowing hot breath in my ears. Damn it, Yucchi, stop teasing! He giggled at my outburst.

His next move surprised me, spinning and landing on my lap, his ass directly touching my manhood, his two skinny legs on each side of me. I moaned, quite loudly.

Deciding this game is over, I held his thin waist. He licked my ear.

That did it! I stood up and grabbed him, almost dragging him, going straight to the bedroom, where a handcuff and a blindfold await us.

yaoi, drabbles, kokimaru, kattun

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