Title: Title-less
Pairing: taNaka
Genre: angst
Chapter: just a drabble... ^-^
“What the hell are you doing?!”
“What the hell do you think I’m doing?!”
“Yuichi, you can’t do this! You just can’t leave me like this!”
He finished packing his clothes and zipped his bag forcefully closed. He looked at him with a sharp glare.
“Really?” He slightly lifted the corner of his mouth in a forced smile “I can. Watch me!”
He slung the bag on his shoulder and turned around, pausing for a moment to stop the trembling of his knees. He wanted to sit back down and give up, to tell the other this was all a joke. He wanted to embrace the younger one or let him hug him instead. He wanted to feel the other's arms around him one more time. To taste those lips against his. But he couldn't stay longer in such worthless relationship.
Gathering whatever remaining strength he have, he proceeded to get out of the room in hurried steps.
Koki followed him out to the living room, calling his name urgently, apologizing telling him how sorry he was and how much he loves him. But he didn’t look back, afraid to let the other see the emotions in his eyes. Afraid he wouldn't be able to leave if he saw the others pleading eyes.
He went straight out of the door, shutting it behind him, hurrying to get away. He heard their door reopening but he was quick enough to reach the safety of his car. He quickly turned the engine on and sped off, ignoring Koki's insistent banging on the closed window of his car.
Once he knew he was far enough, he parked the car and released the breath he had been holding together with his tears. He leaned back on his seat, slightly regretting his deed.
If he turned around, would the situation have changed? If he decided to stay, would he have been smiling instead of crying? If he listened to his lover's plea, would their relationship be saved? No.
Koki cheated him - for the 3rd time. And he's not letting it pass like that.
He swallowed the lump on his throat and took a deep breath. He restarted the engine and drove farther away.
And he's not going back. Not now. Not anymore.