Jul 05, 2005 21:40
Received a High Tide dvd last week, and it's practically made my year. I've watched it multiple times already; by myself, with my mom, with my dad, with a group of friends, and yet, I don't find myself getting tired of it any time soon. Besides this news, I've gone a joined a role playing game. I really hope I do alright, since the last time I rped, I didn't even consider it roleplay. Couldn't have been more than 17, and that particular game closed down after a couple months. I don't really count the five page profile I wrote for Adria Cemerei very much either, since that game went on a hiatus the week after my application was accepted.
I miss ultimate frisbee with a passion. Summer league has started in Shanghai, and I have no intention of playing that consistantly, so I won't be joining. Can't wait to get back to Georgia Tech so I can throw with people who aren't a foot shorter than me. Can't wait to start classes again; I especially look forward to Calc II and Physics II, and I'm surprised I can say this in all seriousness. I hope I can really buckle down and get that 4.0, God knows I could use the boost in GPA. I really need to stop fooling around. And last, but certainly not least, I can't wait to see Nathan again. Two more months. All in good time. :)
There's something fascinating and frightning about watching the gmail account size grow, and grow, and grow.