It's not often that I'd suggest a comic to everyone but then there is always the exception and in this case it's definately Questionable Content.
I give big thanks to my friend Sketch for bringing it to my attention because I'm now addicted to it. It did take me a month or so to read through the archives and catch up but now that I have I find myself anticipating each new comic during the week and even disappointed when the artists life hinders him from posting a new comic.
Indie music references aside this comic is nothing short of scarcastic and whitty. It's also the first time that I've ever come across a comic or story at all where I find myself having invested interest in all of the characters.
Anyway I hope those of you that take a moment to read this post will give it a chance because like anything the art and the storyline just gets better every day!
Comic promoting aside I'm rather pleased with myself lately as I've taken the intiative to get off my butt and go for walks(tonight) or hikes(yesterday) with my roomies. As such I'm relearning all the muscles of my thighs and just how much they hurt when made to use after a long time lacking. Pain aside...I feel damn good. I'm already starting to sleep better. I'm also starting to take hints from how my roomies eat and am trying to adjust my eating patterns so that we can sit and talk together as well as eat better in my case as I've horrible eating habits in regards to what food I've been putting in me lately.
All in all though I'm REALLY going to miss these roomies when they leave. After going so long with jerks for roomies these two were just wonderful! They're smart, friendly and I love talking to them because there's just so much I can learn from them. I think what also makes it better for me is that they're both in their 30s. Thus have grown past a lot of immaturities that come with youth. Having them around reminds me of how I grew up(around a lot of adults and few children my own age) and encourages me to relax, have fun and ...just be a better person. Not just to others but also to myself. I'll definately always have a place for them if they ever come back to they're both from Germany. And I'll always have a place for them when I get to go to Europe which I fully plan to in a few yrs to see them, family and many other friends I have over there.
As to work though when I didn't hear from the studio I'm waiting on I called the production manager again and he explained to me that they're still sifting through the portfolio's and making choices. He did say though that I should hear back from him soon if now Jodie their schedualing manager but that he couldn't tell me anything definate now. I totally understand that as he doesn't want to say anything and then have things change but I know he wants me in there...he just doesn't have the final say. It would have been nice to have a definate answer today but now I definately have to look for another part time job or else I won't have rent for June:/