I'm generally a pretty poor minded person when it comes to politics be it Canada's or just politics in general. Which also means that I generally avoid reading the news papers though I do catch the odd headline on the telus main page when I go to check my email.
Today however while at work I read some rather unnerving news:/
To start off it seems that thousands of BC Private Heather Records were sold at a public auction for about 300 Million dollars CAD. This records had things like:
-Medical conditions
-Social Insurance numbers
-Date of Birth
-Peoples Medical status (HIV, Substance Abuse, Mental Illness)
-Details of applications for social assistance and whether or not these people were fit to work
-Documentation of incidents of sexual abuse
The list just goes on and on and on...all of this from the time of 1995-2000.
What makes it worse is that all these records were on 41 tapes which could easily be read by a home computer with a windows desktop and Microsoft office installed. Which also don't need a log in or anyway to password protect them.
Of course any of those that are responsible for the safe disposal of such information are shaking their heads, saying it's a shame and that they've no idea how this could have happened. What a crock!
http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/story.html?id=512bec85-3609-4610-83da-8c6e2885e6f6&k=28942 is where you can learn more.
The other article that REALLY bothered me was about a man who was HIV positive and was crimally negligent.
Before I even give myself a chance to get into that....here's the article.
http://www.canada.com/theprovince/news/story.html?id=3fbefe91-db8d-438e-80eb-7df6379bba7c&k=16178 I think it's wrong. I don't in anyway he's innocent as he claims. Though in saying that I also think that 6 of the 7 women were just as irresponsible. They could have asked and forced the condom issue. They also could have said no. They had a choice and they didn't exercise it. I wave that point with the last because it was a 17yr old girl who was passed out due to booze and was taken advantage of:/
Such a messy issue all the way around.